“Have The Best Day
in Your Whole Life”

Wedding style is changing by the lifestyle of women in the history. In any era, we have been confident to support brides. We keep the traditional style, yet we have flexibility of absorbing new fashion. That is because we have absorbed Western culture since The Meiji Era. It is life of Marie Louise who had continuously keep supporting Japanese ladies' beauty. We advise brides and grooms by the knowledge which is supported by the experience to let them spend the happiest time in the best day of the whole life.

The beauty training school was established by the principal Marie Louise in 1913. By keeping the history and tradition for, it has been become The Marie Louise Beauty Special School. We have philosophy that of `1st personality, 2nd technique`. We educate students who will be able to produce beauty and happiness. We create originality by absorbing from the leading fashion yet inheriting from the tradition. Marie Louise special School is sending out many `professionals` to the world.